If you're planning to buy a new property, you'll need to get the title deed transferred into your name to prove that you own the property. You'll need the assistance of a lawyer specialising in property transfers (also known as a conveyancer) to help you transfer the title deed into your name.
You'll only legally own the property when the Registrar of Deeds signs the transfer. After the Registrar of Deeds signed the transfer, the Deeds Office closest to you keeps a copy of the title deed.
What is a title deed?
A title deed is a registered legal document which proves ownership of a defined piece of land, a house, or an apartment in a block of flats.
What is the Deeds Registration?
The Deeds Registration branch is an entity of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development where you can register title deeds and documents, and obtain information related to registration and archived records.
The Office of the Chief Registrar of Deeds (OCRD) oversees 11 deeds registries located in 9 provinces.
The deeds registry is open to any member of the public to also access information about:
- The registered owner of a property.
- The rules surrounding a particular property.
- Interdicts and contracts involving the property.
- The purchase price of the property.
- Rules of a sectional title scheme.
- A copy of an antenuptial contract, deeds of servitude, mortgage bonds, etc.
- A copy of a sectional title plan or the rules of a Sectional Title Scheme (note: this isn't a certified copy, merely a copy for information purposes).
- Township establishment conditions.
- Information relating to a property or deed.
- Information relating to the tracking of a deed through the registration process.
Before you can obtain information from the deeds registry, have the following ready:
- The full names and/or identity number of the owner of the property, or at least their date of birth.
- In the case of a community or an association of people, the name and registration number, if available, is necessary.
- The correct erf number and township or farm name and number, not the street address.
- In the case of a sectional title scheme, the section and the scheme name are required.
To obtain a copy of a deed or document from a deeds registry, you must:
- Go to any deeds office (deeds registries may not give out information acting on a letter or a telephone call).
- Go to the information desk, where an official will help you complete a prescribed form and explain the procedure.
- Request a data typist to search for the property, pay the required fee at the cashier's office and take the receipt back to the official at the information desk.
- The receipt number will be allocated to your copy of the title.
Online searches for title deeds are also possible, via DeedsWeb. You can also obtain the following information on DeedsWeb:
- The registered owner of a property.
- Interdicts and contracts in respect of the property.
- Purchase price of the property.
- Rules of a sectional title scheme.
- Copies of title deeds documents, antenuptial contract (ANC) and sectional title plans.
To find out more about the fees involved in getting a copy of your title deed, visit the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development.
For more information, please contact:
Registrar contact:
Kasavel Pillay
- Tel: 021 464 7601
- Fax: 021 464 7725
Email: kasavel.pillay@dalrrd.gov.za
Information section contact:
Natalie Erasmus
Tel: 021 464 7747 or 021 464 7741 / or 021 464 7742
Email: natalie.erasmus@dalrrd.gov.za or cptdeedsinf@dalrrd.gov.za
Physical Address:
New Revenue Building
90 Plein Street
Cape Town
Postal Address:
Registrar of Deeds, Cape Town
Private Bag X9073
Cape Town