Western Cape Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport, Anroux Marais
2024/25 DCAS budget appropriation speech
27 March 2024
Mr Speaker, Honourable members, Ladies and Gentlemen
Good morning
A big thank you to Dan Lukas, of the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport’s office in Beaufort West – the honourable speaker’s constituency - for that lovely rendition of our national anthem. Dankie, Dan, dat jy die hart van die Karoo Kaap toe bring vir ons begrotingspos. Ons waardeer dit, en ons waardeer jou.
I also want to thank all the performers from projects supported by our Department who performed on the Concourse of the Western Cape Parliament this morning. They are representatives of the Cape Town Carnival Costume Parade, the wonderful magicians from the Cape Town School of Magic, performers from the CPO String Quartet and the IMAD youth band from Khayelitsha.
Uit die hart uit dankie aan elkeen van julle!
Mr Speaker, when I listened to Dan Lukas on the saxophone, I was filled with hope for the future and for our country. During South Africa’s darkest hours, in 1984, Eddy Grant recorded the hit song “Give me Hope, Jo’anna” with the refrain “Give me hope until the morning comes”. More of this song – which in its day was known as “The anthem of Mitchell’s Plain – at the end of this speech.
In this regard, Daniel Burnham, an American architect, said the following in support of building skyscrapers in Chicago in the nineteenth century, when some critcised their construction. He said:
“Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir people’s blood, and probably themselves will not be realised. Make big plans; aim high in HOPE and WORK, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will never die; but long after we are gone will be a living thing, asserting itself with ever growing insistency.”
At Team DCAS, as we refer to ourselves, we imagine the future we desire, and creating that future through the programmes of the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport.
Dit is programme wat ons finansier, bestuur en ‘n ogie oor hou in belang van die Wes-Kaapse belastingbetaler, in wie se diens ons staan.
Before I get to the numbers of the budget itself, Mr Speaker, I wish to welcome a few inspirational members of the public whom I invited because they embody hope, and the ability to turn dreams into reality. I always say that if your dreams do not scare you, you do not dream big enough. Our guests show us how to dream big.
Please stand when I mention your name, so that we can acknowledge your contribution.
Firstly, the Dutch Consul General in Cape Town, Ms Helene Rekkers, has shown such an interest in South African culture and cultural emancipation that I just felt she had to be our guest today. You are most welcome, Madam – all protocol observed!
Dan verwelkom ek twee vroue van formaat – Marlene le Roux van Kunstekaap, en Karen Meiring, voormalige kanaalhoof van kykNET.
terkte Karen, met jou nuutste groot projek – ons sien uit om te kyk! Jabaar Mohamed inspires us as he continues to break new ground on behalf of the physically challenged.
Abduraghman Adams – jy is ‘n wonderlike akteur en mens wat ons soveel help met die departement se Dramafees. Meer daaroor later in my toespraak. Mnr. Edmund Jeneker is die voorsitter van die Suidoosterfees se direksie – sterkte met die reëlings vir vanjaar se fees, wat om die draai is! Malcolm Domingo – festival director who has done so much for Cape Town – a special welcome to you.
Ook in die galery is JP Naude, president van die Wes-Kaapse sportfederasie. I simply cannot think of a more driven and motivated person to fill that position.
To Cliffie, Anthea, and Bongani, representing homeless soccer and Oasis – as well as Ricky from the Cape Flats YMCA - thanks for your massive and selfless contribution to giving hope and a fresh start to some of the most marginalised in the Western Cape. Die kok en televisiepersoonlikheid Marinda Engelbrecht vereer ons met haar treenwoordigheid. Dankie, Marinda, vir wat jy en Margit vir ons provinsie se kinders se teateropvoeding doen met die Vlooi-opvoerings. Mnr. Michael Jonas van die Afrikaanse Taalmonument en museum in die Paarl en Eureka Barnard van SASNEV en die Langenhoven Gedenkfonds – julle dra ons provinsie se kultuur op die hart en ek is so dankbaar vir jul bydrae om van die Wes-Kaap ’n beter plek te maak.
En nou, meneer die speaker, moet almal mooi sit, want hier kom vanjaar se begrotingsyfers.
The year-on-year budget increased from an adjusted appropriation of R888,290 million in 2023/24, to a final appropriation of R903,388 million in 24/25, resulting in a net increase of R15,098 million mainly due to inflationary increases. Apart from the inflationary increases, the department did not receive additional funding.
While the year-on-year analysis of our budget reflects an increase, the MTEF budget decreased by R10.731 million for 2024/25 due to fiscal consolidation. In addition, once off funding for EPWP expansion (R7 million) and Artists in Schools (R2 million) received in the 2023/24 financial year, was not reallocated in this year’s budget.
Mr Speaker, honourable members the department also had to absorb the cost-of-living adjustment in its baseline allocation because the impact of salary increases was not funded by Treasury. Salary increases absorbed includes the carry through effect of 2023’s salary increase of 7.5% and the 2024 salary increase of 4.9%, which is an inflationary increase. Fiscal consolidation together with the impact of the salary increases negatively affected the department’s budget intended for services.
That means the budget cuts – of which such a large part is because of the in year budget cuts by the inept ANC government which our provincial government is rightly challenging – makes it much harder for us to serve our people at the levels we want to. Most affected are transfers to Non-Profit Organisations which decreased by 12.39%. To minimise the impact on services of the fiscal consolidation and impact of cost of living adjustments, we unfunded 22 posts across the department. Those are 22 fewer dedicated officials that we could have hired to serve our people, purely because of national ANC budget cuts to the people of the Western Cape.
Regardless of the declining fiscal and economic environments, we ensured that our budget continues to prioritise the recovery of our sectors by aligning it to the Western Cape Recovery Plan in the areas of Jobs, Safety, and Wellbeing. We also ensured that basic service outcomes are protected despite our declining budget.
Meneer die speaker, die departement van kultuursake en sport se begroting is opgedeel in vier programme, naamlik administrasie, kultuursake, biblioteke en argiewe, en sport en ontspanning. Vervolgens kyk ons na spesifieke onderafdelings van die departement.
Let us start with arts, culture and language services. During the year under review, the Department provided language support to Western Cape Government departments, in the form of editing, translations, and interpreting services in the three official languages of the Western Cape and South African Sign Language. This demonstrates our commitment to ensuring that all individuals have access to government information, resources and opportunities.
Suid-Afrikaanse Gebaretaal is verlede jaar tot ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse ampstaal verklaar, wat hoop vir soveel gehoorgestremde en dowe Suid-Afrikaners gebring het. Deur middel van ons Taaldienste-eenheid, en in samewerking met die Pan Suid-Afrikaanse Taalraad (Pansat), het ons basiese opleiding in gebaretaal verskaf aan personeel van verskeie Wes-Kaapse staatsdepartemente wat regstreeks met die publiek skakel, en wat gesigkontak met die publiek het.
It is with great pride that DCAS commemorated the 200th anniversary of the existence of isiXhosa as a published and written language by hosting a community outreach programme and colloquium in Langa, Cape Town, where I delivered the keynote address.
Die departement van kultuursake en sport verskaf reeds sedert 2021 finansiering aan die drietalige Woordeboek van Kaaps-projek in samewerking met die Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland en die Heal the Hood-projek, ‘n gemeenskapsorganisasie sonder winsbejag. Die projek fokus tans op die navorsing vir, en die ontwikkeling van, die Kaaps/Afrikaanse/Engelse drietalige woordeboek.
Mr Speaker, honourable members a highlight of our music programme is the Journey to Jazz festival in Prince Albert. DCAS will again support this festival scheduled to take place from 1 – 5 May 2024. It takes place under the banner of PACT, a project run by enthusiastic and creative local youth.
Choral Music is important for offering safe protective factors for youth in that it enables mass participation and teaches the values of accountability and teamwork. . The department allocated 400 thousand rand to conduct choral music engagements in all provincial districts.
The engagements were coupled with training of choir conductors in schools and communities. A symposium of choral music will, for instance, be held next month.
Die munisipaliteite van Swartland, Drakenstein en Stellenbosch het in samewerking met die nasionale department van kleinsake-ontwikkeling ‘n reeks werkwinkels en inligtingsessies aangebied, gemik op kleinsake-ondernemings in die kreatiewe sektor, soos byvoorbeeld filmvervaardigers, musikante, musiekvervaardigers, produksiemaatskappye, fotograwe, handwerkers, ontwerpers en ontwerpateljees, teksskrywers, skrywers en uitgewers.
These programmes engender hope in these important industries, of which the resilience will strengthen their communities.
In 2024/25 despite budgetary constraints we are continuing our artists in schools programme, which means more job opportunities for our professional arts facilitators placed in schools. 1 million rand will be contributed to ensure the continuity of the programme.
Together with several partners, the department continues to consolidate Community Arts Centre programmes. The network was founded by just 12 members in 2022 but today it boasts over 30 arts centres throughout the province.
Meneer die speaker, agbare lede die departement het R2.5 miloen rand toegewys aan die ontwikkeling van die kunste in die verskillende distrikte in die Wes-Kaap in die 2024/25 finansiële jaar. Die dramaprogram van ons department wat plaasgevind het in die distrikte Tuinroete, Overberg en Kaapse Wynlande het werklik kwaliteitproduksies vir die DCAS-Dramafees voortgebring. Ons dramaprogram het daadwerklike opheffing van die jeug in die tersaaklike gemeenskappe tot gevolg. Groepe soos Siyakhona Youth Development in Thembalethu bied hul eie kunstefees daar in George aan, en is reeds landwyd bekend daarvoor. Ons is so verskriklik trots op die Shack Teater in Swellendam, gevestig deur ons eie mnr, Freek Oerson, wat gegroei het van deelnemer aan DCAS se ontwikkelingsprogram tot impressario van sy eie teater, van wie die inskrywings uitblink by die Zabalaza-fees, soos aangebied by die Baxter-teater hier in Kaapstad.
Indeed, it is for these outstanding achievements that we will continue to strengthen our partnership with Baxter Theatre and Zabalaza to provide more opportunities for young emerging theatre practitioners to stage their plays at the iconic Baxter Theatre. The funding allocated to these programmes ensures the continuity of skills transfer by sector professionals like Abduraghman Adams, who as mentioned is present in the gallery, and Mdu Kweyama. Thanks for the hope you turn into dreams, and the dreams you turn into reality.
In samewerking met verskeie vennote soos Pansat sal ons department voortgaan om hoop en geleenthede te skep vir ontluikende en voornemende skrywers. Ons sal voortgaan om ‘n kultuur van lees en skryf aan te wakker – en om die geleenthede daarvoor wyd en ver in ons gemeenskappe in te dra. Ons is die trotse aanbieders van die Letterkundige Kunsteprogram – die Literary Arts Programme.
Volgende jaar sal ons ‘n bloemlesing publiseer van kortverhale in isiXhosa deur deelnemers aan ons jongskrywersprogram.
This is so lovely that it bears repeating: Next year we will be launching a collection of isiXhosa short stories and poems from our young writers programme.
We are excited to see the return of our successful DCAS Dance Festival that took place at the Joseph Stone Auditorium in Athlone, featuring 18 dance organisations from the Metro and Cape Winelands. The next festival will stage performances from more than 200 dancers.
Mr Speaker, honourable members our Annual Arts, Culture and Heritage Funding programme affords an opportunity to Arts and Culture organisations, individual artists, and arts companies to apply for assistance for the execution of their programmes within communities and thus creating job opportunities, and promoting safer and more cohesive communities. The department will support the arts and culture sector to the tune of R17 million in the 2024/25 finacial year, mindful of the challenges confronting the sector. Let there be hope!
Since the launch of our online application system, we have seen an exponential increase in applications. The application process for the 2024/25 financial year closed on the 8 March 2024 and 381 applications were received. It is pleasing to note that more than 40% of apllications received are from the rural areas of the province. In 2024/25 the department plans to have more interactive sessions with beneficiaries and forge networks and collaborations amongst organisations within the value chain. Furthermore, the online system is to be enhanced to assist with the process and facilitate goal orientated outcomes.
Mr Speaker, honourable members turning to the initiation programme, the Western Cape government is committed to the preservation and safe practice of the rite of passage and has adopted a zero-tolerance approach to the deaths of initiates. To this end the department allocated R3.1 million rand to sustain the programme. In preparation for the summer season 2023, a total of 103 cultural practitioners were trained in health and hygiene principles. We also appointed monitors of initiation schools from various cultures such as amaHlubi, Basotho and amaXhosa. Furthermore we purchased and issued protective clothing and equipment to the practitioners for infection prevention control during the season.
As part of our commitment for a safe initiation programme, we are developing a digital system for the Initiation programme to assist with early detection of conditions that could lead to deaths, upscale our current monitoring system and increase our training efforts for the cultural practitioners. The first phase of the system was approved by the Western Cape Provincial Initiation Coordinating Committee and will be launched during the next summer season.
DCAS, in partnership with the WCPICC will continue to facilitate workshops with initiation forums and communities to ensure compliance to the Customary Initiation Act. These interventions will maintain a strict, conducive and harmonious environment for all.
Meneer die speaker, agbare lede, ons kyk vervolgens na die afdeling museums, erfenis en geografiese name.
In trotse teenstelling met die res van die land beskik die Wes-Kaap oor 32 behoorlik funksionerende museums. Teen die einde van verlede jaar het ons, ons nuutste museum, op Elandsbaai aan die Weskus, aan die publiek oopgestel. In die afgelope geldjaar het ons uitstekende vordering gemaak met die opdatering van die uitstalling by die Worcester Museum, en opwindende toevoegings tot sowel die George Museum as die Bartlomias Dias-museumterrein in Mosselbaai. Die departement sal voortgaan om ons provinsie se museums te ondersteun, en ‘n begroting van 12 miljoen rand is toegewys in die 2024/25 finansiële jaar.
The Cape Town Museum Walk-In Centre was inaugurated in November last year. The completion of the final phase of Cape Town Digital, featuring the Mapping Cape Town project, will help immortalise the rich tapestry of our history. We have launched digital exhibitions showcasing narratives such as the Peninsula Maternity Hospital and "Cape Town through the Eyes of the Archives," alongside celebrating the contributions of Impactful Women.
Betreffend erfenis, is die departement ‘n belangrike rolspeler in die nasionale Weerstands- en Bevrydings-erfenisroeteprojek – die sogenaamde Resistance and Liberation Heritage Route Project. In die nabye toekoms sal ons ‘n projek takel om die nalatenskap van vroeë vestigings deur plaaslike bevolkingsgroepe te herdenk deur die Tussen Die Riviere-projek, wat ‘n buitelug-tentoonstelling oor inheemse deursettingsvermoë by Oude Molen hier in Kaapstad sal insluit.
This year the Department is looking forward to the finalization of the UNESCO World Heritage inscription at Diepkloof Rockshelter on the West Coast, and the Pinnacle Point site complex, on the Southern Cape coast. We manage these significant archaeological sites with the assistance of the heritage authority within the province, Heritage Western Cape.
Heritage Western Cape continues to play an important role in the value chain of commercial, residential and industrial development related economic opportunities within the province. The HWC Service Delivery Improvement Plan and the recent undertaking of a Lean Management project with the Lean Institute Africa aims to improve the efficiencies and quality of service delivery in permit application processes as one of its streams of service to the public. It is a service delivery measure being put in place to improve the internal efficiencies of HWC and benefit the public who rely on its services across the province. The average number of permit applications averages over 2 000 annually.
Meneer die speaker, agbare lede, ons 375 openbare biblioteke is die juweel in ons kroon, en ons voeg steeds nuwe biblioteke by.
Een miljoen Rand is toegewys aan die bou van die Vleiland Modulêre Biblioteek. Vleiland is ‘n plaasgemeenskap in die Laingsburg-distrik, en is 65 kilometer van die naaste biblioteek geleë. Hierdie nuwe gebou sal die gemeenskap van Vleiland onder meer in staat stel om gratis toegang tot die internet te hê as deel van ons plattelandse biblioteke-konnektiwiteitsprojek.
Danksy die opgradering van die Prins Albert Thusong-biblioteek sal die gemeenskap nie meer drie kilometer na die hoofbiblioteek in Prins Albert moet stap om inligting te bekom en van internetdienste gebruik te maak nie.
The current KwaMandlenkosi Public Library in Beaufort West has serious space constraints. The R1.5 million upgrade will allow for much needed study space for learners.
Our eBook lending service complements the physical book collections and other services rendered in public libraries. Patrons can access the service from the comfort and safety of their homes, 24/7. More than 17 300 titles are currently available.
2023 has shown a 66% increase in circulation, with audiobook circulation increasing by an incredible 77%. Our public libraries will also continue to serve as a safe space for all especially through initiatives such as the Bellville public library PLOTS (People Living on the Streets programme).
The Department will continue with the roll-out of our Oral History project in communities, which enables residents, students and historians to now access the previously undocumented, first-hand stories of people with deep roots in their communities.
Speaker, our Archives and Records Service provides accessibility and use of archival records by South African citizens and the world at large for research purposes. To further enhance our services, we are actively exploring emerging trends in records management. We are investigating the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to improve information retrieval and security. Additionally, we transitioned towards cloud-based storage and access solutions to improve accessibility and collaboration.
The Sports Directorate in the Department has 181 MOD Centres, 134 Neighbouring School, 25 Recreational Centres and 6 Multi-purpose Sport Shared Facilities across the province, providing sport and recreational activities reaching more than 100 000 participants, creating approximately 650 job opportunities. . The department has allocated R42 million towards the sustainability of the MOD programme including the multipurpose Shared Facilities.
DCAS collaborates closely with Disability Sport Western Cape to provide comprehensive support to programmes and athletes. The Disability Sport sector is poised to deliver medals at the forthcoming Olympic Games in Paris in July this year, and the Paralympics, taking place in the same city in August. These are of course two of the greatest highlights on the sporting calendar. In addition, the Paralympics provides hope and support to those living with disability as well as their support structures.
There has been a significant increase in funding and resources dedicated to programs targeting women and girls within the province. Furthermore, the club development programme aims to bolster sport clubs in the Western Cape by providing transportation, capacity building initiatives, equipment and attire. More than 200 clubs will form part of the programme for this coming financial year. The department allocated R14.4 million rand to sustain this programme.
Meneer die speaker, agbare lede ons gaan al meer klem plaas op die plattelandse en plaasgemeenskappe van ons geliefde provinsie, met die Plaaswerkers- Sportkommissie wat die pas van hoop en selfverbetering sal aangee.
Een van die moontlikhede wat DCAS in die toekoms al meer wil verken, is e-Sport. Daar is soveel potensiaal, en met ‘n selfs sterker poging in hierdie verband lyk die toekoms voorwaar rooskleurig.
DCAS plays a crucial role in supporting economic growth through sport and cultural events, as well as through innovation along the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) and the Sport and Recreation industry value chains. R5 million rand has been allocated towards major Sports, Arts, Culture and Heritage events.
Leidende sportgeleenthede waarin ons department ‘n fasiliterende rol speel sluit onder meer die Twee Oseane Marathon, die Kaapstad Marathon, die Rugby Sewes, die Knysna Oesterfees, die George Sportfees, die Mosselbaai Sportfees, die Patatfees in Napier, die Hessequa Sportfees in Riversdal en die Walvis Sportfees in Hermanus in.
In 2023 the Department assisted with highly successful events including the T20 Women’s Cricket World Cup, Rugby Sevens World Cup, Netball World Cup, T20 SA League and the Cape Town Cycle Tour. In total we have supported 122 events this far.
Something very close to my heart: Each year the department translates one new code of sport. We have successfully translated into isiXhosa the laws of chess, cricket, netball, boxing and cycling. We will on Africa Day 2024 launch the laws of table tennis. We will work with Tennis Western Cape to translate the laws of tennis in the next 2024/25 financial year.
Recreation in the Western Cape is thriving, with 25 recreation centres offering services that create 50 job opportunities for coaches. From 1 April 2023 to 29 February 2024, these centres provided opportunities for 46 182 participants to actively participate in Recreation activities.
The Mass Participation, Opportunity, Access, Development and Growth (MOD) Programme continues to make a significant impact, supporting 181 centres with staff and equipment, reaching over 50,000 learners participating in the after-school programme from 1 April 2023 to 31 January 2024, and creating job opportunities for 400 individuals.
The School Sport Programme continues to make a significant impact, supporting 134 Neighbouring School Centres with staff and equipment, reaching 17 460 learners, and creating job opportunities for 174 individuals. At a district level, more than 43 500 learners participated in school sport activities.
Mr Speaker, honourable members. Team Western Cape achieved 1st place at the SA National Schools Athletics Championship for Learners with Special Educational Needs and 2nd place at the SA National High Schools Athletics Championship, as well as 3rd place at the SA National Schools Swimming Championship. We achieved 2nd place at the SA National Schools Winter Games Championship. At the SA National Schools Summer Games, we were crowned champions, successfully defending our crown. For the 2024/25 financial year the Department allocated 48 million Rand to Schools Sport to sustain these programmes.
Mr Speaker, honourable members, DCAS runs a flagship Youth in Service Programme, YearBeyond. This year we plan on placing 3 000 youth in the Western Cape. This represents true hope to our young people.
Some new Year Beyond developments include the expansion of our libraries programme, the launch of the Little Explorers ECD programme, placing community wellbeing champions in clinics, partnering with industry to develop a virtual mentorship programme using both behavioural nudges and AI, and partnering with partners in both the social sector and industry to ensure pathways for youth post their YearBeyond experience.
The programme is amazingly successful. Of the 104 schools surveyed, not a single one wanted to end the partnership with YearBeyond, which, they said, contributed to an improvement in learner literacy levels, learner numeracy levels, learner participation and engagement in class, learner attitudes to schoolwork, learner self-esteem and learner well-being. The same positive feedback was received from libraries, participants and corporates regarding the programme. The Department allocated 51.6 million rand towards the Youth programmes in the Western Cape.
Democracy cannot function without oversight. I wish to thank the standing committee for their hard work, and their caring. As it is the last budget vote of this term, I want to single them out by name: Honourable Gillion Bosman, Honourable Deidre Baartman, Honourable Gerrit Pretorius, Honourable Ayanda Bans, then my old friend and opponent Mesuli Kama who has resigned and whom I miss, his replacement Honourable Pamela Harris, that difficult man Honourable Peter Marais, and Honourable Ferlon Christians. I also want to thank honourable members of the EFF for their input over the years. We differ and we are opponents, but we are not enemies.
I want to thank Premier Alan Winde for entrusting me with this precious portfolio. I also want to thank Team DCAS, led by our head of department, Mr Guy Redman, en natuurlik my eggenoot, Erik, daar in die galery. I thank everyone who has made this term such a joy – such an opportunity to give hope until the morning comes to every individual in our province, and in South Africa.
I hereby table this budget.
Thank you
Enkosi kakhulu
Baie dankie.
Jan-Jan Joubert
MLO to Minister Anroux Marais
083 303 9238