15 NOVEMBER 2018
Good day, goeiedag, molweni nonke,
It gives me great pleasure to officially welcome the newly appointed members of the Western Cape Cultural Commission (WCCC). The role you have been appointed to fulfil is an important one and significantly contributes to the Department’s vision of a socially inclusive, creative, active and connected Western Cape.
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on your appointment. As members of the WCCC you will effectively contribute to the growth and development of a dynamic cultural environment in a unified Western Cape.
The WCCC was established in 1999 after the promulgation of the Western Cape Cultural Commission and Cultural Councils Act in 1998. It is one of the 33 statutory bodies relating to arts, culture and heritage in the Western Cape.
The Commission aims to preserve, promote and develop culture in the Western Cape. It considers registration and deregistration of cultural councils and controls, manages and maintains property placed under its supervision. In achieving these objectives, we will work very closely together in that you can recommend how the aims of the Commission can best be achieved in terms of:
The Commission will also provide assistance within its available resources, to cultural councils established under the Act by subsidising culturally related projects, research and conferences. This assistance includes promoting and coordinating national and international intercultural contact. The Commission will also, establish, compile and maintain databases pertaining to cultural affairs in the Western Cape.
A multicultural and truly democratic community not only respects cultural diversity, but also creates the enabling climate for the effective preservation, promotion and extension of culture. The newly appointed Cultural Commission will significantly facilitate the creation of effective and vibrant functioning arts and culture structures, activities and environments.
I look forward to working better together with all of you and wish you well with your future endeavours. There is no doubt in my mind that together we can promote respect for cultural diversity and advance artistic disciplines into viable opportunities by nurturing talent and encouraging excellence whilst expanding mass participation and appreciation of the arts within all communities through arts and culture programmes. Remember, the beauty of the Western Cape lies in the diversity of its people and we have been mandated to promote social inclusion through cultural affairs. I hereby officially welcome you as members of the WCCC and trust that your passion will drive purpose while your purpose drives passion.
I thank you.
Stacy McLean
Spokesperson for Minister Anroux Marais
Email: Stacy.McLean@westerncape.gov.za
Tel: 021 483 4426
Cell: 083 504 1171