"Getting things done"
Let me begin by saying, it is a huge privilege to have been “beamed up” from the province to participate in the state of the nation debate in this Parliament.
But, let me also say that it has been distressing to watch the debate, for the first time, from the outside, of this Parliament.
What on earth must people think when they see the disgraceful behaviour of some members in this Parliament?
What seems to have been forgotten is that what really matters is people, especially people who do not have jobs, people who have been victims of crime, people who do not have homes, and people who are battling to make ends meet.
I’m sure that the millions of people out there watching the debate on television, or listening to the debate on the radio, join me in wondering what the hell is going on in this Parliament.
Premier Alan Winde and the Provincial Cabinet have hit the ground running and are focussed on actually getting things done and giving hope to people in the Western Cape.
We have developed a bold Western Cape Safety Plan, which is informed by evidence, and which will be implemented using the latest technology, and which aims to boost law enforcement capacity in the Western Cape.
We are partnering with the City of Cape Town and we’ve committed R1.3 billion to train and deploy the first one thousand law enforcement officers, providing us with more “boots on the ground” to fight crime, especially violent crime, in the Western Cape.
The first 500 of these law enforcement officers have already graduated and are on the ground in crime hotspots across the Western Cape receiving further training.
We are also working hard to support business by creating an enabling environment for the private sector, and the markets, to drive economic growth and create jobs, in the Western Cape.
We have:
We have:
We have:
And, we have:
The fact is that we have:
Because we are focused on actually getting things done and giving people hope in the Western Cape.
Mr President, we are delighted to hear:
We would like to work together:
Mr President, we are also delighted to hear:
We have done more than any other province to fight for, and to prepare for, a different energy future in the Western Cape.
We are committed to being a part of the solution, but we need to move now, so:
We cannot afford to wait a day longer, and we cannot afford any further ministerial “go-slows”, and so, Mr President, I would urge you to face the fact that if you want to keep the lights “on”, you will have to switch the Minister of Mineral Resources & Energy, Gwede Mantashe, “off”.
Over the past few weeks I visited many different businesses in the Western Cape – such as Silulo Technologies, Thokozani Wines and Phoenix Marine to mention a few - which despite tough business conditions, tell a story of new products, of new markets, of innovation and of resilience which is a huge credit to businesses in the Western Cape.
We want to focus on what we have achieved, and what we can still achieve, not just in the Western Cape, but in the whole of South Africa.
I thank you.
Francine Higham
Spokesperson for the Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities
(Responsible for the Provincial Treasury and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism)
Tel: 021 483 4327
Cell: 071 087 5150
Email: francine.higham@westerncape.gov.za