Speech by Kenneth Africa, Chief Director: Traffic Management in Khayelitsha
Ladies and gentlemen.
As was alluded to earlier in the programme, The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims is commemorated on the third Sunday of November each year – a day on which we remember the many millions killed and injured on the world’s roads, together with their families, friends and many others who are also affected. It is also a Day on which we thank the emergency services and reflect on the tremendous burden and cost of this daily continuing disaster to families, communities and countries, as we continue to look for ways to terminate this unnecessary carnage on our roads.
Road deaths and injuries are described as sudden, violent, traumatic events. It is something no person ever wishes for and nobody wishes to be the party that is to be blamed after a tragic road crash has happened, for its impact is long-lasting and often permanent. Each year, millions of newly injured and bereaved people from every corner of the world are added to the countless millions who already suffer. The cumulative toll is truly tremendous.
The grief and distress experienced by this huge number of people is all the greater, because many of the victims are young, while many of the crashes could and should have been prevented and because governments’ and society’s response to road death and injury and to bereaved and injured victims is often inadequate, unsympathetic, and inappropriate to a loss of life or quality of life.
This special Remembrance Day is therefore intended to respond to the great need of road crash victims for public recognition of their loss and suffering. It has also become an important tool for governments and those who work to prevent crashes or respond to the aftermath, since it offers the opportunity to demonstrate the enormous scale and impact of road deaths and injuries and the urgent need for action. Inadvertently, today for me is not about who was to blame in the past, but rather that this day should serve as a “wake-up call” in order for all role players to put words and plans to action and do more towards the prevention of this life-threatening experience that could befall anyone of us the moment we step out as a road user.
The World Remembrance Day has a long history:
As I was researching the topic of World Remembrance Day and looking over the span of time that this day has been dedicated to focus on the millions who had lost their lives through road crashes, my eye also caught the very significant themes that were chosen to highlight the specific focuses over the years. The theme for every year was very significant as it related to one of the five Pillars of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action.
Without going all the way back in history, please allow me to just mention a few of the themes, all under the strategic banner of “From Global Remembrance to Global Action across the Decade”
The 2018 theme is linked to the 2nd pillar of the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020: Safer Roads & Mobility
You will agree with me that roads & streets are more than connections from point A to point B. They tell stories, some of them tragic stories that are worth remembering. There are locations that we will just never be able to forget, even long after the flowers have faded and the crosses that we have planted, have lost its veneer.
Today we also celebrate the good work done by all those employed in Emergency Services, those who are on call during the day and late at night, when things have gone wrong and you are called to come and assist those road users who have been flung out of the car during a crash, those who are trapped in a wreckage or to comfort those standing at the scene of a tragic accident. Your role should never be under estimated and I pray that you will continue to dedicate yourselves to this noble task of saving lives and safeguarding our road users. I know that the images of these scenes, burnt into your memory, will always be there to remind you of the countless heartbreaking accident scenes that you have witnessed and had been a part of.
And to those who today suffer the loss of a loved one that passed away, the impact of a road traffic crash, if we could turn back the clock, we would, but rest assured that we, the traffic fraternity as well as all emergency services today pledge ourselves anew to do all that we can to halt the ever-increasing number of gruesome crashes that happen on our roads every day of the year. And as we realize that nothing that we say or do today can really make it better, we want to stand next to you and say …. Roads tell different stories and “We Remember”
I thank you
Byron la Hoe
Communication Officer
Department of Transport and Public Works
Tel: 021 483 9813
Cell: 079 281 8570
Email: byron.lahoe@westerncape.gov.za