Municipal Infrastructure - Public Information: U | Western Cape Government

Municipal Infrastructure - Public Information: U

General information publications, listed alphabetically. These documents are also placed under the relevant life events and categories in Your Life and Topics.
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This is a record of the proceedings at the City of Cape Town Urban Renewal Political champion's meeting held on 14 April 2003.
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This is a report on the URP Champions Meeting which discussed integration and co-ordination, quick win and anchor projects, local government presentation, business plan, URP launch and the CRS and URP integration presentation.
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This pamphlet provides general information on the Urban Renewal Programme.
This document gives a description of al the Urban Renewal Programme (URP) projects in Khayelitsha and the amount budgeted for each project.
This document gives a description of al the Urban Renewal Programme (URP) projects in Mitchells Plain and the amount budgeted for each project.
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This document informs Cabinet on the status, progress and achievements of the national Urban Renewal Programme (URP) within the Khayelitsha and Mitchell's Plain Nodal Points.
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This document informs Cabinet on the status, progress and achievements of the national Urban Renewal Programme (URP) within the Khayelitsha and Mitchell's Plain Nodal Points.