Ministry of Finance - Guidelines, Manuals & Instructions: A | Western Cape Government

Ministry of Finance - Guidelines, Manuals & Instructions: A

Government guidelines, manuals and instructions, listed alphabetically by title. These documents are also listed under the relevant life events and categories in Your Life and Topics.
Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)

This manual was prepared in accordance with Section 14 of the Promotion of Access to Information Act No 2 of 2000. It explains the structure of the Provincial Treasury, the nature of the records held by the department, and how to apply to gain access to those records.

Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)

This manual was prepared in accordance with Section 14 of the Promotion of Access to Information Act No 2 of 2000. It explains the structure of the Provincial Treasury, the nature of the records held by the department, and how to apply to gain access to those records.

Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)

This manual was prepared in accordance with Section 14 of the Promotion of Access to Information Act No 2 of 2000. It explains the structure of the Provincial Treasury, the nature of the records held by the department, and how to apply to gain access to those records.

Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)
(File type: pdf; size: 1.78 MB)Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)

The guide provides guidance on the non-financial information requirements of the annual report i.e.: all sections of the annual report except the Annual Financial Statements. The Annual Financial Statements (AFS) section is dealt with in a separate guide, namely the Departmental Financial Reporting Framework Guide that can be obtained from the Office of the Accountant-General (OAG) website.

(File type: pdf; size: 1.15 MB)Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)
The guide provides guidance on the non-financial information requirements of the annual report. In other words, the guidance is on all sections of the Annual Report except the Annual Financial Statements (AFS) section.
(File type: pdf; size: 3.09 MB)Ministry of Finance (Provincial Cabinet, Western Cape Government)
(File type: pdf; size: 1.3 MB)Asset and Liabilities Management (Provincial Treasury, Western Cape Government)
This guideline has been developed to provide practical assistance to all municipalities and municipal entities on the process of managing public assets and forms part of a comprehensive support programme provided by the National Treasury to assist municipalities with financial reforms.