Ministry of Finance - Guidelines, Manuals & Instructions: S | Western Cape Government

Ministry of Finance - Guidelines, Manuals & Instructions: S

Government guidelines, manuals and instructions, listed alphabetically by title. These documents are also listed under the relevant life events and categories in Your Life and Topics.
(File type: pdf; size: 595.71 KB)Asset and Liabilities Management (Provincial Treasury, Western Cape Government)
This document explains the impact of the changes for accounting officers/authorities at each step of the SCM cycle.
(File type: pdf; size: 354.11 KB)Asset and Liabilities Management (Provincial Treasury, Western Cape Government)
(File type: pdf; size: 1.16 MB)Asset and Liabilities Management (Provincial Treasury, Western Cape Government)
Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)

This manual was prepared to explains the structure of the Provincial Treasury, the nature of the records held by the department, and how to apply to gain access to those records.

Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)

This booklet is a desk reference for managers to easily identify the service areas of Provincial Treasury and the method on how to access required services.