Ministry of Finance - Public Information: A | Western Cape Government

Ministry of Finance - Public Information: A

General information publications, listed alphabetically. These documents are also placed under the relevant life events and categories in Your Life and Topics.

Ngokweyona nto ibalulekileyo kwimfundo ephucukileyo nokuphuhliswa kwezakhono, uNondyebo wePhondo leNtshona Koloni kunye neSebe leMfundo babambisene nenye yebhanki enkulu  ephondweni, uNedbank ekunikezeni iibhasari kubafundi abayi-15.

Ibhasari yokhuphiswano lokubhala isincoko kubafundi beBakala 11 eyaqala ngo-2008, okokoko yathi yaqala yathi yanikeza ngebhasari ezixabisa i-R2.9 yezigidi zeerandi.  Nawuphi na umfundi walapha eNtshona Koloni okwiBakala 11 oneenjongo zokuqhubela phambili ngezifundo zeziBalo, ezoQoqosho kunye neZifundo ngoBalo-mali  angalunela olu khuphiswano.

The Awarded Bids/Tender section is an initiative of the WCG to indicate the details of bids awarded. View all bulletin information in the Tender Bulletin section.

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This publication indicates all PGWC bids awarded in April, May and June 2009.
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This publication indicates all PGWC bids awarded in August 2009.
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This publication indicates all PGWC bids awarded in December 2009.
The Awarded Bids/Tenders section is an initiative of the PGWC to indicate the details of bids awarded over a one-month period. View all bulletin information in the Tender Bulletin section.

The Awarded Bids/Tenders section is an initiative of the PGWC to indicate the details of bids awarded over a one-month period. View all bulletin information in the Tender Bulletin section.

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This publication indicates all PGWC bids awarded in July 2009.

The Awarded Bids/Tenders section is an initiative of the PGWC to indicate the details of bids awarded. View all bulletin information in the Tender Bulletin section.

The Awarded Bids/Tenders section is an initiative of the PGWC to indicate the details of bids awarded over a one-month period. View all bulletin information in the Tender Bulletin section.

The Awarded Bids/Tenders section is an initiative of the PGWC to indicate the details of bids awarded. View all bulletin information in the Tender Bulletin section.

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This publication indicates all PGWC bids awarded in November 2009.
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This publication indicates all PGWC bids awarded in October 2009.
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This publication indicates all PGWC bids awarded in September 2009.

The Awarded Bids/Tenders section is an initiative of the WCG to indicate the details of bids awarded. View all bulletin information in the Tender Bulletin section.

Here is a list of Awarded Tenders from January 2010 to December 2010.
Here is a list of Awarded Tenders from January 2010 to December 2010.

Here is a list of Awarded Tenders from January 2012 to December 2012.

Here is a list of Awarded Tenders from January 2013 to December 2013.

Here is a list of Awarded Tenders from January 2014 to December 2014.

Here is a list of Awarded Tenders from January 2015 to December 2015.