Ministry of Finance - Public Information: W | Western Cape Government

Ministry of Finance - Public Information: W

General information publications, listed alphabetically. These documents are also placed under the relevant life events and categories in Your Life and Topics.
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This publication includes details of the dam levels in the Western Cape as of June 2005.

Met ’n kern fokus op kwaliteit onderrig en vaardigheidsontwikkeling het die Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Tesourie en die Departement van Onderwys kragte saamgesnoer met die provinsie se amptelike bankvennoot, Nedbank om beurse aan 15 studente te bied.

Die Beursopstel-kompetisie vir Graad 11 leerders is in 2008 begin en het sedertdien beurse ter waarde van R2.9 miljoen toegeken. Enige Wes-Kaapse Graad 11 leerder wat beplan om ’n loopbaan in wiskunde, ekonomie en rekeningkunde te volg, kan inskryf vir die kompetisie.

Die Ouditeur-generaal van Suid-Afrika (OGSA), mnr Kimi Makwetu, het die Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Tesourie sowel as tien ander Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Departemente verlede week vereer vir die skoon oudits wat hul vir die 2013/14 finansiële jaar ontvang het.

Of the Western Cape Government’s R59 billion budget, 5.26% will be spent in the West Coast district. 

Infrastructure led growth leads to job creation. Some of the major infrastructure projects in this area are:

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Western Cape Finance Minister Dr Ivan Henry Meyer delivered the provincial budget speech on 5 March 2015. In his speech he outlined the provincial government's priority spending plan for the next financial year.

Western Cape Finance Minister Dr Ivan Henry Meyer delivered the provincial budget speech on 03 March 2016. In his speech he outlined the provincial government's priority spending plan for the next financial year.

Western Cape Finance Minister Dr Ivan Meyer delivered the provincial budget speech on 07 March 2017/18. In his speech he outlined the provincial government's priority spending plan for the next financial year.

Western Cape Finance Minister Dr Ivan Meyer delivered the provincial budget speech on 06 March 2018. In his speech he outlined the provincial government's priority spending plan for the next financial year.

Western Cape Finance Minister Alan Winde delivered the provincial budget speech on 5 March 2014. In his speech he outlined the provincial government's priority spending plan for the next financial year.