Ministry of Finance - Reports & Research: P | Western Cape Government

Ministry of Finance - Reports & Research: P

Government reports and research, listed alphabetically by title. These publications are also listed under the appropriate life events and categories in Your Life and Topics.
Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)
In 2005, the Provincial Treasury commissioned Idasa, the Institute for Democracy in South Africa, to design, conduct and analyse the results from this study.

The study tries to asses the following:

Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)

One of the principles of the Western Cape Governance architecture is evidence-based practice. The goals, strategies, and programmes are rooted in research, and practices of monitoring and evaluation.

Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)

Since the forecast was completed in July a number of events internationally and domestically have necessitated a change in the South African economic outlook. 

Public Policy Services (Provincial Treasury, Western Cape Government)
This document provides a snapshot of the Western Cape economy and details the economic outlook. It is often referred to as "PERO".
Public Policy Services (Provincial Treasury, Western Cape Government)
This document provides a snapshot of the Western Cape economy and details the economic outlook for 2005. It is often referred to as "PERO".
Public Policy Services (Provincial Treasury, Western Cape Government)
This document provides a snapshot of the Western Cape economy and details the economic outlook for 2006. It is often referred to as "PERO".
Public Policy Services (Provincial Treasury, Western Cape Government)
(File type: pdf; size: 2.81 MB)Public Policy Services (Provincial Treasury, Western Cape Government)
(File type: pdf; size: 2.21 MB)Public Policy Services (Provincial Treasury, Western Cape Government)
(File type: pdf; size: 2.2 MB)Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)
(File type: pdf; size: 1.43 MB)Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)
Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)
The Provincial Economic Review and Outlook (PERO) is the annual research report which provides an objective review and analysis of past and estimated future economic growth and socio-economic development of the Western Cape. The Western Cape Government (WCG) is committed to growing the economy and alleviating poverty, through appropriate policy initiatives. This requires an improved understanding of the real economy, in particular of industry activity, their prospects and the constraints they face.
Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)
One of the principles of the Western Cape Governance architecture is evidence-based practice. The goals, strategies and programmes are rooted in research and practices of monitoring and evaluation. The annual Western Cape Provincial Economic Review and Outlook (PERO) has become a key
source of Western Cape specific economic intelligence.
Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)

One of the principles of the Western Cape Governance architecture is evidence-based practice. The goals, strategies and programmes are rooted in research and practices of monitoring and evaluation. The annual Western Cape Provincial Economic Review and Outlook (PERO) has become a key
source of Western Cape specific economic intelligence.

Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)

In its 12th year of publication, the 2016 Provincial Economic Review and Outlook (PERO) remains an important form of economic intelligence for the Western Cape
Government (WCG). It provides an objective review and analysis of past and forecasted future economic growth, highlighting key labour market dynamics while
focusing on key socio-economic development indicators of the Western Cape.

Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)

The 2017 Provincial Economic Review and Outlook (PERO) appraises recent economic developments and presents insights into opportunities to enhance the Western Cape economy amid the restrained economic outlook. The 2017 PERO, in conjunction with the 2017 Municipal Economic Review and Outlook (MERO), which reflects on the economic development issues taking a spatial focus at a district level and municipal level, further complements and strengthens the approach to evidence-based practices, provincial and municipal policy formulation, alignment, integrated planning and budgeting. 

Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)

The principle of evidence-based practices is endorsed by the Western Cape Government and as such the objectives, strategies and interventions adopted by this
Government are embedded in the research. The annual Western Cape Provincial Economic Review and Outlook (PERO) together with the Municipal Economic Review
and Outlook (MERO) are key sources of economic intelligence empowering political and administrative leadership in their decision making processes. The MERO further
disaggregates key socio-economic trends to a sub-district municipal level.

Public Policy Services (Provincial Treasury, Western Cape Government)