Ministry of Finance - Reports & Research: S | Western Cape Government

Ministry of Finance - Reports & Research: S

Government reports and research, listed alphabetically by title. These publications are also listed under the appropriate life events and categories in Your Life and Topics.
(File type: pdf; size: 854.48 KB)Public Policy Services (Provincial Treasury, Western Cape Government)
The Public Finance Management Act (1999) requires that when the annual budget is tabled in the National Assembly or Provincial Legislature, the Accounting Officer of the Department concerned must submit measurable objectives for each main division within that particular vote. This implies that outputs and outcomes must be defined and they must be published. It also calls for the introduction of performance-based budgeting. In the performance-based budgeting environment, the budget of a particular department is expressed in terms of activities and outputs.
Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)

Regional profiles provide the Western Cape municipalities with data and information which may assist in planning, budgeting and the prioritisation of municipal services. It is acknowledged that municipalities across the Western Cape have different capacities and therefore will use the information in this publication to suit their own needs. 

Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)

Regional profiles provide the Western Cape municipalities with data and information which may assist in planning, budgeting and the prioritisation of municipal services. It is acknowledged that municipalities across the Western Cape have different capacities and therefore will use the information in this publication to suit their own needs. 

Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)

Regional profiles provide the Western Cape municipalities with data and information which may assist in planning, budgeting and the prioritization of municipal services. It is acknowledged that municipalities across the Western Cape have different capacities and therefore will use the information in this publication to suit their own needs. 

Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)

Regional profiles provide the Western Cape municipalities with data and information which may assist in planning, budgeting and the prioritization of municipal services. It is acknowledged that municipalities across the Western Cape have different capacities and therefore will use the information in this publication to suit their own needs. 

(File type: pdf; size: 881.72 KB)Public Policy Services (Provincial Treasury, Western Cape Government)
This is compiled using available information from PGWC and other sources. Some of the information is unaudited and may have been revised by the time of publication. PR244/2006

ISBN: 0-621-36942-X
(File type: pdf; size: 277.66 KB)Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)
(File type: pdf; size: 886.73 KB)Public Policy Services (Provincial Treasury, Western Cape Government)
This is compiled using available information from PGWC and other sources. Some of the information is unaudited and may have been revised by the time of publication. PR246/2006

ISBN: 0-621-36944-6
(File type: pdf; size: 1.15 MB)Public Policy Services (Provincial Treasury, Western Cape Government)
This is compiled using available information from PGWC and other sources. Some of the information is unaudited and may have been revised by the time of publication. PR243/2006

ISBN: 0-621-36941-1
(File type: pdf; size: 1.26 MB)Public Policy Services (Provincial Treasury, Western Cape Government)
The Western Cape Socio-Economic Review (SER) sketches the economic and labour market challenges that government need to address in order to reduce unemployment and inequality in the Western Cape.
(File type: pdf; size: 752.43 KB)Provincial Treasury (Western Cape Government)
This report uses official Censuses of manufacturing data. It examines evidence both at the magisterial district level (33 magisterial districts in the Western Cape), and for three-digit manufacturing sectors at the statistical region level (24 sectors for nine statistical regions).