Ministry of Finance - Projects: Statistics, Information and Research | Western Cape Government

Ministry of Finance - Projects: Statistics, Information and Research

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The Agricultural Overview Documents (OVD) contain voluminous information, mainly in text and table form (in Afrikaans).   It is the intention of this pilot project to design a predominantly map-based format to make much of the OVD data more accessible...
The project will serve as a pilot project for the future rollout of a GIS strategy to other areas in the Western Cape, specifically in terms of the planning requirements for the sub-directorate: Resource Conservation.   The mapping (at 1:10 000 scale)...
This project involves developing a comprehensive Information Database containing all the relevant Agricultural information in the Western Cape that will provide timely and accurate managerial information.   The database will be user-friendly database...
The project will use a variety of methodologies to map agricultural activities in the Western Cape for use in planning and spatial development frameworks.   The initial focus will be on areas where previous data was inaccurate and where land use...
The project entails the collation of the latest climatic data statistics and the interpolation thereof using the latest technology to form continuous climate spatial climate models for the Western Cape. Data included are rainfall, temperatures (maximum...