Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital: Urology Clinic | Western Cape Government

Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital: Urology Clinic

This clinic caters for children with specific urological problems.

What is Urology?
Urology is a medicine speciality that treats and assesses diseases and medical complications of the urinary tract system. This includes organs such as the kidneys, adrenal glands, ureters, the bladder, urethra, the testes, prostate and penis.

Venue: S27, Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital
Days and times: Friday 09:30 - 12:00
Telephonic consultations: 021 658 5432 (Friday mornings only)
021 658 5335
Appointments: 021 658 5002/5023
Provided At: These facility categories:
And these facilities:
Provided by:
Government Body: (Department of Health and Wellness, Western Cape Government)
The content on this page was last updated on 5 September 2013