Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital: Haematology/Oncology Clinic | Western Cape Government

Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital: Haematology/Oncology Clinic

The Haematology and Oncology Clinic caters for all children with cancer and blood disorders requiring investigation. The hospital is also the major reference and treatment centre for children with bleeding disorders.

The G1 Oncology Unit.

If there is clinical suspicion of cancer the child should be discussed as a matter of urgency with the consultant on call in order to facilitate prompt referral. It is best to discuss any case before a referral is made or testing begins because testing for cancer can traumatic.

Venue: Ward G1, Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital
Days and times: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday (08:30 - 12:30) - Leukaemia and solid tumours
Tuesday (09:00 - 12:30) - Anaemia and Bleeding problems
Head: Prof Alan Davidson
Consultants: Dr Ann van Eyssen, Dr Marc Hendricks
Telephonic consultations and appointments: 021 658 5076/5280
Appointments: 021 658 5185/5297
Provided At: These facility categories:
And these facilities:
Provided by:
Government Body: (Department of Health and Wellness, Western Cape Government)
The content on this page was last updated on 5 September 2013