Department of Health (National) - Public Information: F | Western Cape Government

Department of Health (National) - Public Information: F

General information publications, listed alphabetically. These documents are also placed under the relevant life events and categories in Your Life and Topics.
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Information on what birth defects are, examples of birth defects, what can be done for people who have them and a list of contact numbers where services can be obtained in the country.

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This update looks at the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa.
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This publication provides basic facts about the prevalence of HIV/AIDS amongst women and girls, as well as their increased vulnerability and the additional burden of care that falls to them.
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This fact sheet provides basic details on immunisation including details on why it is so important and what diseases children are routinely vaccinated against.

Wailing fire engines and rumbling Harley Davidson motorcycles flooded the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital precinct for the hospital's annual Christmas Parade on 18 December. 

Father Christmas – with his big belly, bright red suit and trademark white beard – swopped his sleigh for a ride on a Harley Davidson cruiser, much to the delight of the little patients, their families and staff.