Depending on the nature of goods or services required, the Western Cape Government will put out a tender or invite bids/proposals from interested suppliers and service providers. Tenders/bids are advertised according to the estimated value as follows:
R2 001 – R10 000:
The WCG may source quotes, telephonically or via email, directly from suppliers for goods and services up to R10 000.
R10 001 – R500 000:
The WCG uses Ariba to transact with suppliers for goods and services up to R500 000. Tenders and Requests for Quotations are emailed or faxed to subscribers of Ariba according to their business profile.
R500 000 and obove:
Goods and services above the value of R500 000 are known as Competitive Bids and are obtained via a formal bidding process. These tenders are advertised in local newspapers such as The Cape Times, Die Burger,The Argus, Government Tender Bulletin, I-tender and E-portal.
Details of tenders/bids awarded are also available on the tender website.
Department of Human Settlements tenders/bids can be viewed here.