A tender is an offer to do work or supply goods at a fixed price. Getting goods or services is also known as "procurement". Tenders and bids are the same thing. When government "puts out a tender" or "invites bids", this means government asks the public for price offers supply goods or provide a service. Government then evaluates who to choose based on the prices offered and the nature company making the tender. Although price is very important in the decision on which tender or bid to accept, it is not the only factor considered.
The tender or bid process is designed to ensure that the work to be done for government is given out in a fair way. There are a number of procurement policies with special mention of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA) that guides government on how to make decisions on which tender to accept.
Once government accepts a tender, it is binding contract on both parties. This means that the company that won the tender must provide the goods or services in the manner agreed to and at the price offered, and government must pay the agreed price at the agreed time.
Tenders at all levels of government (national, provincial, local) must be advertised.
National and Provincial Tenders or Bids are advertised online via e-Tender portal http://www.etenders.gov.za/
The e-Tender portal is a single point of access to information on all tenders made by all public sector organisations at all spheres of government. This includes tenders of amongst others all National and Provincial Departments, Metros, District Municipalities, Local Municipalities, Municipal Entities, all Public Entities, State Owned Enterprises, Constitutional Bodies etc.
The e-Tender Publications Portal is a fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost-effective procurement in an easy to access, single point of entry, technology driven facility. It facilitates all government institutions to publish their tenders, corrigendum and award notices on a single platform.
This portal gives FREE access to public sector tender opportunities in South Africa. The e-Tender Publishing Portal is also freely available for use by the oversight bodies, media and the public.
You can also subscribe by post to the Government Tender Bulletin for an annual fee by contacting the Government Printer: Private Bag X85, Bosman Street, Pretoria, 0001. You may also contact the Government Printer on 012 748 6001 / 012 748 6002 / 012 748 6066.
Currently the Government Tender Bulletin (as managed by the Government Printing Works) as well as the eTenders Portal are experiencing technical difficulties since early February 2021. The National Treasury has placed a generic message on the eTender portal advising suppliers of the current challenges and that provinces are required to utilise alternative media platforms to advertise bids
The Western Cape Government has put in place the following interim measures:
- Accounting officers and accounting authorities within the Western Cape will utilise the Western Cape Government website to publish bid advertisements, cancellations and awards as a primary mechanism and only where deemed necessary, their own institutional websites or any other means available until such time that the GTB and the e‑Tender Portal is operational;
- The website may be accessed via the following url: https://www.westerncape.gov.za/provincial-treasury/tenders/advertised-cancelled-and-awarded-tenders;
- Any queries in respect of the adverts, cancellations and awards published on the website must be directed to the contact person as indicated in the bid advertisement; and
- A communication in terms of the interim measure was sent to all supplier registered on the Western Cape Supplier Evidence Bank (WCSEB).
Detailed information about WCG forms, compulsory meetings and tender process is described in the Provincial Treasury Instructions (PTIs).
The 30 local municipalities in the Western Cape are required to advertise their tenders in local newspapers and in public places, such as libraries and municipal noticeboards.
You can also contact a local municipality directly to find out about local tenders or search for tender listings on the municipality website.
The CRS, which was launched in 2021, was developed to serve as an electronic roster to ensure that companies operating in the Built Environment and Infrastructure Sector are appointed on a rotational basis within the Department of Infrastructure. The electronic system replaces a manual roster that was maintained by Supply Chain Management.
The Department’s Education, General and Health Infrastructure Chief Directorates use the system for appointments on new projects planned during the financial year.
- Access the Consultant Register System.
- View the CRS pamphlet
For more information visit the Department of Infrastructure website.
Caution About Bid Rigging From The Competition Commission