Department of Health (National) - Public Information: S | Western Cape Government

Department of Health (National) - Public Information: S

General information publications, listed alphabetically. These documents are also placed under the relevant life events and categories in Your Life and Topics.
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A descriptive document on Iodine Deficiency Disorders in South Africa and attempts made to eliminate the problem. A summary of the findings of the Medical Research Council on the introduction of iodised salt in shops is also included.
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This publication is intended to support HIV/AIDS education activities. It focuses mainly on education and information material intended for use by the general public. Most of the materials listed are printed materials such as books, booklets, games and posters, with a smaller subset of audio-visual materials. The directory contains publishing details for all materials so that they can be ordered directly from the producers.

If you’re sexually active it’s possible that you might have a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) and not even know it. STIs are a serious public health issue in South Africa and it’s important that you protect yourself against STIs. Most STIs can be treated and cured.

What's an STIs