The 2000 census showed that there are approximately 44.8 million people in SA.
For example, an education circular might be distributed to everyone working for the Western Cape Education Department.
For example, a farming co-operative where a group of people jointly farm the land and share the profits.
For example, in South Africa, the three spheres of government (national, provincial and local) work together in a supportive manner.
For example, the Jali Commission on prison corruption.
For example, a police officer, a postmaster and a bank manager.
For example, a parliamentary committee consisting of selected MPs will be appointed to consider new legislation before it is tabled in parliament.
For example, there is no specific Act that says murder is a crime. Murder is a common law offence.
Generally involves the various police stations and Community Policing Forums in a particular area.
For example, where a person sits on a tender committee but also has a share holding in a company that is tendering for a project.
For more information visit the COSATU website.
For example, ward councillors at a local authority level are responsible to the people in that ward and should represent their needs and interests at Council.
Includes contraceptive pilsl, IUDs, contracepetive injections and condoms.
For example, the author of a book has rights over it and no-one else can reproduce it for distribution or sale wihtout permission.
It includes a sharecall number where you can report crime anonymously.
For example, a marriage in terms of African customary law or Muslim rites.