Cable theft and vandalism affect all our citizens. A reward is offered for information that leads to the successful conviction of these criminals.
Applications for funding are invited from non-profit and other qualifying organisations to render certain social welfare and community development services on behalf of the Department of Social Development.
In order to access the service, please find the following information:
Call for funding applications (prososals) for the 2018-19 financial year and thereafter
Funding applications are invited from Non-Profit and other qualifying organisations to provide certain social welfare/community development services on behalf of the Department. This ALSO includes current funded organisations, residential and non-residential facilities.
The Western Cape provincial government (WCG) has identified the reduction of alcohol-related harms as one of its key interventions that will contribute to the strategic priorities of well-being and safety, while ensuring it is targeted to limit its impact on the economy. This is in line with the World Health Organization’s Alcohol Best-Buys which aims to reduce and restrict the availability of alcohol to reduce alcohol-related harms and benefit society as a whole.
Call for nominations for an independent member to serve on the Board of Directors for Convenco.
The Western Cape Liquor Authority calls for nominations of persons to be appointed as a Deputy Presiding Officer of the Liquor Licensing Tribunal. This notice is Gazetted and published and is in relation to the appointment of a Liquor Licensing Tribunal (LLT) member (DPO) of the WCLA. Regulation 6(4) requires of the Department to ensure that the notice is published in the Provincial Gazette which can be viewed via the below link.
The Western Cape Liquor Authority (“WCLA”) is established by section 2 of the Western Cape Liquor Act, 2008 (Act 4 of 2008) (“the Act”). There are currently vacancies on the governing board (“the Board”) of the WCLA for persons who meet the requirements set out below. Interested persons are invited to nominate candidates who in their opinion are suitable to be appointed as members of the Board. A similar invitation for nominations was published under Provincial Notice 119/2023 of 17 November 2023.
The Western Cape Liquor Authority (“WCLA”) is established by section 2 of the Western Cape Liquor Act, 2008 (Act 4 of 2008) (“the Act”). There are currently vacancies on the governing board (“the Board”) of the WCLA for persons who meet the requirements set out below. Interested persons are invited to nominate candidates who in their opinion are suitable to be appointed as members of the Board. A similar invitation for nominations was published under Provincial Notice 93/2020 of 25 September 2020.
The Western Cape Government's Social Development New Draft Youth Strategy identified Youth Cafés as one of the core initiatives for youth development programmes. A Youth Café is a one-stop hub where young people across the social divide can come together and access services, opportunities and support provided by the public and private sectors.
Proposals are invited from Non-Profit Organisations to partner with the Department in implementing this service in the Cape Metro Area. The proposed service delivery intervention must focus on achieving the following:
The Western Cape Government (WCG) Health and Wellness Department aims to strengthen its collaboration with non-profit organisations (NPOs) through the creation of formalised partnerships for the community-based health service delivery across the primary health care settings. Partnerships are continued annually and are based on performance-based annual evaluations.
The Cape Access Programme through the Kranshoek e-Centre aims to change the lives of the Kranshoek community by providing access to Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
The Bongolethu Cape Access Centre assists local citizens to communicate more effectively with government and communities around the world by providing access to e-mail, internet and various government services.
The Vanrhyndorp e-Centre and the Cape Access Programme create opportunities for socio-economic upliftment in the Matzikama Municipality.
The Cape Access Centre in Dysselsdorp has made an impact on the lives of the community. Access to information and communication technologies (ICT) has brought with it an opportunity for personal growth and socio-economic upliftment.
Access to information and communication technologies (ICT) has given the community of Merweville an opportunity to change their lives.
The Cape Access Programme through the Bitterfontein e-Centre is helping to change the lives of the community by bringing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) closer to home.
The Western Cape High Court Roll lists the daily court proceedings (cases to be heard) of the Western Cape High Court. It does not indicate matters that are finalised, struck off, postponed or withdrawn from the roll. The Court Roll is part of the public record and cannot be changed or amended on the portal. The receipt of the Western Cape High Court Roll is sometimes delayed without prior notice. Any queries regarding the finalisation of matters must be referred to the Western Cape High Court.
For queries contact: 021 480 2411
The Western Cape High Court Roll lists the daily court proceedings (cases to be heard) of the Western Cape High Court. It does not indicate matters that are finalised, struck off, postponed or withdrawn from the roll. The Court Roll is part of the public record and cannot be changed or amended on the portal. The receipt of the Western Cape High Court Roll is sometimes delayed without prior notice. Any queries regarding the finalisation of matters must be referred to the Western Cape High Court.
For queries contact: 021 480 2411
For queries contact: 021 480 2411
High Court Judgments: Southern African Legal Information Institute (SAFLII)
The Western Cape High Court Roll lists the daily court proceedings (cases to be heard) of the Western Cape High Court. It does not indicate matters that are finalised, struck off, postponed or withdrawn from the roll. The Court Roll is part of the public record and cannot be changed or amended on the portal. The receipt of the Western Cape High Court Roll is sometimes delayed without prior notice. Any queries regarding the finalisation of matters must be referred to the Western Cape High Court.
For queries contact: 021 480 2411
The Cape High Court Roll lists the daily court proceedings (cases to be heard) of the Cape High Court.
For queries contact: 021 480 2411
For queries contact: 021 480 2411
The Western Cape High Court Roll lists the daily court proceedings (cases to be heard) of the Western Cape High Court. It does not indicate matters that are finalised, struck off, postponed or withdrawn from the roll. The Court Roll is part of the public record and cannot be changed or amended on the portal. The receipt of the Western Cape High Court Roll is sometimes delayed without prior notice. Any queries regarding the finalisation of matters must be referred to the Western Cape High Court.
The Western Cape High Court Roll lists the daily court proceedings (cases to be heard) of the Western Cape High Court. It does not indicate matters that are finalised, struck off, postponed or withdrawn from the roll. The Court Roll is part of the public record and cannot be changed or amended on the portal. The receipt of the Western Cape High Court Roll is sometimes delayed without prior notice. Any queries regarding the finalisation of matters must be referred to the Western Cape High Court.
For queries contact: 021 480 2411
For queries contact: 021 480 2411
For queries contact: 021 480 2411
The Western Cape High Court Roll lists the daily court proceedings (cases to be heard) of the Western Cape High Court. It does not indicate matters that are finalised, struck off, postponed or withdrawn from the roll. The Court Roll is part of the public record and cannot be changed or amended on the portal. The receipt of the Western Cape High Court Roll is sometimes delayed without prior notice. Any queries regarding the finalisation of matters must be referred to the Western Cape High Court.
For queries contact: 021 480 2411
For queries contact: 021 480 2411
The Western Cape High Court Roll lists the daily court proceedings (cases to be heard) of the Western Cape High Court. It does not indicate matters that are finalised, struck off, postponed or withdrawn from the roll. The Court Roll is part of the public record and cannot be changed or amended on the portal. The receipt of the Western Cape High Court Roll is sometimes delayed without prior notice.
The Western Cape High Court Roll lists the daily court proceedings (cases to be heard) of the Western Cape High Court.
For queries contact: 021 480 2411
The Western Cape High Court Roll lists the daily court proceedings (cases to be heard) of the Western Cape High Court.
For queries contact: 021 480 2411
For queries contact: 021 480 2411
The Western Cape High Court Roll lists the daily court proceedings (cases to be heard) of the Western Cape High Court. It does not indicate matters that are finalised, struck off, postponed or withdrawn from the roll. The Court Roll is part of the public record and cannot be changed or amended on the portal. The receipt of the Western Cape High Court Roll is sometimes delayed without prior notice. Any queries regarding the finalisation of matters must be referred to the Western Cape High Court.
For queries contact: 021 480 2411
The Western Cape High Court Roll lists the daily court proceedings (cases to be heard) of the Western Cape High Court. It does not indicate matters that are finalised, struck off, postponed or withdrawn from the roll. The Court Roll is part of the public record and cannot be changed or amended on the portal. The receipt of the Western Cape High Court Roll is sometimes delayed without prior notice. Any queries regarding the finalisation of matters must be referred to the Western Cape High Court.
For queries contact: 021 480 2411
For queries contact: 021 480 2411
The Western Cape High Court Roll lists the daily court proceedings (cases to be heard) of the Western Cape High Court. It does not indicate matters that are finalised, struck off, postponed or withdrawn from the roll. The Court Roll is part of the public record and cannot be changed or amended on the portal. The receipt of the Western Cape High Court Roll is sometimes delayed without prior notice. Any queries regarding the finalisation of matters must be referred to the Western Cape High Court.
The Western Cape High Court Roll lists the daily court proceedings (cases to be heard) of the Western Cape High Court. It does not indicate matters that are finalised, struck off, postponed or withdrawn from the roll. The Court Roll is part of the public record and cannot be changed or amended on the portal. The receipt of the Western Cape High Court Roll is sometimes delayed without prior notice. Any queries regarding the finalisation of matters must be referred to the Western Cape High Court.
For queries contact: 021 480 2411
The Western Cape High Court Roll lists the daily court proceedings (cases to be heard) of the Western Cape High Court. It does not indicate matters that are finalised, struck off, postponed or withdrawn from the roll. The Court Roll is part of the public record and cannot be changed or amended on the portal. The receipt of the Western Cape High Court Roll is sometimes delayed without prior notice. Any queries regarding the finalisation of matters must be referred to the Western Cape High Court.
For queries contact: 021 480 2411
Of the Western Cape Government’s R59 billion budget, 68.07% will be spent in the Cape Metro.
Infrastructure led growth leads to job creation. Some of the major infrastructure projects in this area are:
This information highlights the Cape Metropolitan Council's (now City of Cape Town's) work over the last three years in support of small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs). The focus is on the CMC's role and approach and its contribution to creating opportunities and building understanding, awareness and capacity to use those opportunities. Overviews of some projects are provided complemented by a full listing of all SMME support projects
Get ready for one of the biggest street festivals of the year happening on 17 March 2018.
The drought disaster in the Western Cape has many people asking important questions relating to water supply in the Western Cape. Although we’ve made progress in our water-saving efforts, we need to get to 450 million litres per day in order to stretch our water supplies.
Of the Western Cape Government’s R59 billion budget, 11.8% will be spent in the Cape Winelands district.
Infrastructure led growth leads to job creation. Some of the major infrastructure projects in this area are:
Building Career ResilienceAccording to Careerminds (2019) “Career resilience, is defined as the ability to adjust to career change as it happens and, by extension, adapt to what the market demands”. “Developing career resilience means taking charge of one’s own career and the ongoing development of characteristics identified with employability”. |
Do you love nature and being outdoors? If so, a career in nature conservation might be the right choice for you.
Everything we do affects our environment. How much water we use, the amount of energy we consume, our transport choices, and even the types of food we eat.
A vital component contributing to housing delivery in the Western Cape is the Department’s Catalytic and Priority projects. These projects are spatially targeted interventions that aim to provide infrastructure by restructuring settlements patterns and change the way the Department delivers on housing opportunities in the Western Cape.
This fact sheet contains information on the support and development programme running with crafters in the Khayelitsha area.
Let the Countdown Begin!
It's that time of year again – Plett Rage 2014!
Freedom Day is a day to celebrate our achievements and reflect on our successes during the 25 years of freedom and democracy. At the same time it also serves as a reminder of the struggle and fight for a just and democratic society we all enjoy today.
2018 marks the 100 year anniversary of South Africa’s greatest leader, our nation’s founding father Nelson Mandela.
In celebration of Youth Day this year, we look at some inspiring young people who are striving to make a difference in their communities and bring hope to society.
Of the Western Cape Government’s R59 billion budget, 1.14% will be spent in the Central Karoo district.
Infrastructure led growth leads to job creation. Some of the major infrastructure projects in this area are:
The Cape Access Programme through the Ilingelethu e-Centre is bringing information and communication technology (ICT) to the community in Malmesbury.
Please note that this eCentre is currently closed.
Swellendam, the third oldest town in South Africa, is situated on the N2, approximately 220 km from Cape Town. The Dutch East India Company established this town in 1743. They named Swellendam after the Cape Governor, Hendrik Swellengrebel and his wife, Helena Ten Damme.
The Helpdesk can be contacted directly for further assistance or details regarding the status on your subsidy application. This can be done either telephonically or through an e-mail.
As we commemorate Child Protection Week from 31 May to 7 June this year, we remember the value of standing together to create safer communities for our children.
Child protection week is celebrated every year and we commemorate it this year from 29 May to 5 June. Started in 1997, the aim is to focus on the protection and care of our children. The theme this year is “Let us all protect children to move South Africa forward”.
Taking care of a child can be expensive and as a primary caregiver with little or no income, it can be even tougher.
Children are among the most vulnerable members of society and need special protection. It's our shared responsibility as parents, families and government to ensure that all of our children are safe from harm and grow up in nurturing environments.
Did you know that 11.6% of men and 40.1% of women in South Africa are obese?
Overeating, also known as binge eating, is a growing problem in South Africa and health risks increase dramatically among overweight individuals. With this in mind, a big focus has been placed on portion control for National Nutrition Week (9-15 October 2014).
Find out basic information about how to create a circle of support to care for children in difficult home situations.
Download the latest Citizen Report 2022/23 Here
The Provincial Treasury is responsible for supporting and guiding the Western Cape Provincial Departments by bringing together or integrating service delivery. The service delivery strengthened by good control (governance), will lead to improvements for every citizen in the Western Cape.
The State of the Environment (SoE) Reports describe pressures on the environment, the current state of the environment and responses to these challenges. The SoE reporting process is designed to provide information to the public, industry, non-government organisations and all levels of government to ensure better decisions are made on issues which influence or are influenced by the environment. This web page contains links to the SoEs for 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001.
If you are involved in an accident at work or develop an illness caused by your working conditions, then you can claim from the Compensation Fund. Here’s what you need to know.
Who can Claim?
You can claim if
The Western Cape Government is playing its part in global effort to reduce greenhouse emissions, here's how you can play your part.
Community Police Forums (CPFs) are legally mandated to work towards the improvement of police services. In this regard, CPFs work in partnership with SAPS and the Department to achieve the objectives set out in section 18 of the South African Police Services Act 68 of 1995.
The Department will continue to support the Community Police Forum (CPFs) through training and basic funding support. The Department encourages CPFs and Cluster Boards to enter into joint Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) based on the safety plans with municipalities.
This is open for public comment.
Please note: only written comments can be accepted.
Closing date: 25 Oct 2006
Send comments via:
The Contractor Development Programme (CDP) is part of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP), and aims to develop skills and promote business sustainability for emerging contractors in the construction industry. Beneficiaries include contractors with a Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Grading of 1-5 particularly youth and women.
The Court Watching Brief Unit was introduced by the Department of Community Safety to act in accordance with the Constitutional provisions contained in Section 206 (3) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996, which provides interalia that every province is entitled to monitor police conduct and report inefficiencies. This is also done in accordance with the Western Cape Community Safety Act. (Act No 3 of 2013) in particular Section 3.
In line with the call from our Nation’s President, the Department of Human Settlements will commit to sharing Tips and messages on how to curb the spread of COVID-19.
The Loeries are in town and promise to bring you a week filled with imagination and celebration.
This publication contains crime statistics from 2003/2004, 2009/2010 to 2011/2012 for the country, the Western Cape and areas in the province.
The Cross Cape Cycling Route will offer local and international visitors the best of the Western Cape's mountains, sea views, food and wines along the Garden Route, Klein Karoo, Cape Overberg, Cape Winelands and Cape Town.
New Cross Cape Cycling Route
The new Cross Cape Cycling Route will stretch from Cape Town to Plettenberg bay and will include some of the most scenic parts of the Western Cape.
The route will include road track, mountain trails, jeep and forest tracks.
The Western Cape Cultural Affairs Awards are hosted annually by the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS) to recognise and celebrate the cultural, linguistic and heritage excellence in the province. The occasion is a vital opportunity to proudly showcase the diversity of the province’s cultural landscape.
Since 1999 these prestigious awards have acknowledged many individuals and organisations that have made a significant impact in the Western Cape.
Thank you for showing interest in the Western Cape Government cultural facilities. Please note that all seven facilities are active at the full capacity and reservations must be made online.
Important information: The Okkie Jooste Cultural Facility will be closed for major upgrade work as from 1 August 2024. Online bookings for this facility will only be open until 31 July 2024.
Office hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 07:00 – 15:30
Should you have any further enquiries please scroll to the bottom of the webpage.
This is a summary of all valid liquor licences in the Western Cape as of August 2003 to current.
The Cape Access Programme in Kayamandi, Stellenbosch has made an impact on the lives of the community. Access to information and communication technologies (ICT) has brought with it an opportunity for personal growth and socio-economic upliftment.
Providing access to ICT facilities to rural communities across the Western Cape has always been the aim of the Cape Access programme, which has proven very successful in communities such as Leeu-Gamka.
Confused about the courts in South Africa? This document explains South Africa's court structure, and has contact details for the courts as well as links to their decisions online.